Soccer Fitness Programs

   Soccer is one of the most popular sports in the world. It is a game that requires great strength and endurance. The game, which goes on for 90 minutes, requires incredible amounts of stamina because of the constant running and jogging involved.

   Due to these strenuous activities, soccer players need to constantly maintain a proper fitness regime. Professional soccer players should not be bulky in order to be active and agile on the field. Therefore strength, endurance and aerobic exercises play an important role in soccer training. There are different fitness programs that are specifically designed for soccer players. These programs concentrate on increasing speed, agility, and stamina of the players. They also help in increasing the overall strength and skill of the players.

   Soccer demands high levels of physical activity. A professional fitness program can tap the full potential of a player. These programs ensure high standards of performance even with limited practice. Repetitive exercise is very important for endurance training. These programs also have tests after each training session. They periodically test endurance, strength and agility of the participants. The results are then compiled and if necessary, plans are changed to suit new requirements. Stretching exercises increase flexibility that is otherwise an undervalued aspect. All these activities together compile the perfect soccer fitness program.

   There are various programs available for soccer players in many of the fitness centers. However, soccer fitness programs are highly specialized and require professional athletes to coach participants. Former soccer players who have played at national and international levels usually conduct such coaching sessions.

   Soccer fitness programs are extremely beneficial for players who want to perform at the highest level. Joining these fitness programs gives the players an advantage by increasing their stamina, agility, speed and skills. All these aspects are necessary for those who desire to be the future soccer stars of the world.

By Eddie Tobey 

New Fitness Programs

   Fitness programs are becoming increasingly popular for the simple reason that they provide a fulfilling life through exercise and diet. Biologically, it is important for the human body to nourish itself by intake of food. It is also necessary that the body burn the food as a result of physical activity. If sufficient activity is not provided, there is a tendency to put on weight.

   Over weight or obese individuals are susceptible to many diseases. Recent times have seen an increase in physically immobile lifestyles due to development of technology and humans relying on machines. Fitness programs are used to combat this aspect. Today, new fitness programs are designed, considering each individual's specific needs. These new fitness programs allow greater control on health by involving activities that are enjoyed by each individual.


   Specially trained professionals assist participants to decide a plan for themselves. These programs usually include exercise and dieting as a combination. Feedback is noted from participants to improve the quality of the program. New programs teach participants to include exercise in their every day life. There are some fitness centers that offer programs with a free trial period. A fitness enthusiast can go undertake this trial and eventually choose one of their regular plans. Fitness tracking software are installed in these centers to enable quick access to test results. Before starting on any program, experts analyze the medical history of the client and then suggest plans accordingly. Many fitness centers offer fitness programs online. This has become popular due to easy accessibility to the Internet. These programs are fairly newer with information about exercise and dietary plans on their websites. Video demonstrations of exercises are also posted on the sites for the benefit of online participants.

   There have been several new fitness programs that are designed for the ever-changing needs of the participants. From programs specifically designed for weight loss and chronic illnesses to those custom made for women and sportsmen, the choices on offer are limitless.

By  Eddie_Tobey

Diet And Fitness Programs


   Diet refers to the intake of food and nourishment for the growth and maintenance of the body. Dieticians or nutritionists consider a diet as a balanced meal that contains appropriate portions of all nutrients. A good diet helps a person to maintain good health. Fitness is the overall well being of the body. Diet is a therefore an important part of fitness.

   A good diet is one of the means to fitness and in turn, good health. Fitness programs include a combination of exercises and a balanced diet. Both these aspects go hand-in-hand and hence, fitness cannot be achieved by following only one of them.

   A fitness program that is beneficial on a long-term basis always incorporates diet suggestions. Research has proved that by following a diet, the food a person ingests is burnt up only through exercise. With recent studies showing that most people lead an inactive life, fitness programs that include stretching and aerobic exercises can help the body keep its mobility. Programs that lay emphasis on weight loss also suggest routine workouts for faster results. "Low carb" diets are also popular with weight loss enthusiasts. However, doctors and medical practitioners indicate that weight loss can be maintained only if the person has sufficient exercise.

   Increase in physical activity is of prime importance in any fitness program. If work schedules and lifestyle do not permit it, it is advisable to visit a fitness center at least thrice a week. Exercise helps the body to increase immunity levels. It also increases stamina for a more active life. For people suffering from chronic diseases such as arthritis, physical mobility is a must. Exercises help them minimize disability due to such disease.

   Fitness programs that combine physical activity with diet are more advantageous for a lasting effect on health. These fitness programs have in house nutritionists, doctors and psychologist to help participants at each step. These fitness programs not only help in weight loss but also promote a healthier lifestyle.

By Eddie Tobey

Muscle Building Fat Loss Diet Plan

Hello My Friend,
   A mistake most people make is to rely only on counting calories to get into top condition. In my first bodybuilding contest I defeated a lot of bodybuilders who were much more genetically gifted than I was. I came in at 180 lbs, ripped to the max. I defeated guys who were weighing from 200 to 225 lbs. They had more muscle mass than I did and even a better body structure than I did, but their lack of total definition made them look fat when compared to me on stage. They made the mistake of wanting to compete at a designated body weight instead of competing at whatever weight best displayed their muscles. Don't make this mistake! I want to show you the method of losing fat and not muscle without starving yourself.

  - STEP 1: The first step in setting up your perfect diet is to weigh yourself. Your weight is the starting point for constructing your diet. If you weigh 180 lbs, you need 180 grams of protein per day (weight 180 lbs. x 1 grams of protein = 180 grams of protein) to hold your present muscle mass while following a strict diet. You should break this up into 5 or 6 feedings a day consuming 35 to 40 grams of protein at each meal. A gram of protein has 4 calories so your protein intake will amount to 720 calories.

  - STEP 2: Now let's say that you figured that you needed 2160 calories a day to maintain your present weight and you decided 12 calories per pound on body-weight was right for you. 180 lbs x 12 calories per pound of body weight = 2160 calories, simple math. But to lose fat let's make our base number 10 instead of 12. 180 lbs x 10 calories per pound of body weight = 1800 calories. Our new daily caloric intake is now 1800 calories.

 -  STEP 3: If you deduct the 720 calories you'll get from the protein, you're left with a balance of 1080 calories. 1800 - 720 = 1080. We will get the remainder of our caloric intake from starch and fibrous carbohydrates. I do not count the 90 calories or so I will get from the one teaspoon of unsaturated fat I will consume each day. The fat is essential to overall health and I have found it to have an insignificant effect on the overall diet.

  - STEP 4: Carbohydrates also have 4 calories per gram. You will need to count the amount of calories in the carbohydrates you choose to eat.

   If you follow this simple but effective rule of diet you'll be guaranteed success!
   Train Hard, Eat Healthy and Stay Positive!

Dan Przyojski

Article Source:

Quick Weight Loss Tips

healthy weight loss diet   There's nothing quite like giving yourself a rapid boost to your confidence and self esteem than to succeed in losing several pounds in weight in a relatively short space of time by following a sensible and well planned diet and exercise strategy. By making use of the following quick weight loss tips, you can get yourself well underway to doing exactly that! All you need to do is to make a concerted effort to act and you may surprise yourself at what you can realistically achieve.
Healthy Weight Loss Diet
   The place most people like to start when they are about to try and lose weight is by taking on a low calorie diet of some description. While this would at first glance appear to be the logical thing to do, it is not necessarily the right thing to do for everyone. That's because different people have different metabolisms and each will manage differing levels of weight reduction by simply following a calorie restrictive diet. There is more to diet than just cutting calories, as you will see. 

   What you want to aim for here is a way of burning more fuel than you are putting into your body through food. You can do that by cutting back on the calories, but when you do that, your body naturally slows down its metabolic rate to compensate. A better way is to give the body exactly what it needs and use exercise to create the negative calorie balance, so that your muscles are doing the work of burning more calories (units of energy) than you are taking in via your food. 

   The best part is that that you get to eat a more interesting diet and one that still contains a lot of the things you like. However, you do have to cut back pretty hard on those high glycemic carbohydrates such as bread, pasta, while rice and all products that contain refined white flour and refined sugar. But it also means you can eat more "real" food, such as lean meats and poultry, fish, eggs, diary products in moderation and fresh fruit and vegetables. 

   The general idea is to greatly increase the amount of protein you are eating as well as lots of dietary fiber to bulk the meals while providing your body with an essential factor in its digestive process that eases elimination and ensures a healthy bowel. You should also drink lots of plain water to also aid digestion and to maintain the correct level of hydration.

Exercise to Burn Fat

   Find some exercises that you like to do. It's no good slogging away at something you hate! If you like swimming but hate running, then go have a good, long swim every day! If you prefer cycling to playing contact sports, then get on your bike and cycle every day. 

   Notice I wrote "every day" here. If you are serious about losing weight and improving your level of fitness and health into the bargain (which you should) and also to make some nice improvements to your figure, then you must exercise every day. Three times a week in the gym just won't cut it! 

   You can mix them up if you like. Swim one day, go for a long cycle ride the next and even run the day after if you like. It all depends on your current level of fitness. If you are relatively fit, then do as much as you feel you can. Have a day or three in the gym to further mix the activities and to ensure that all your muscle groups get a good workout. 

   But if you are not very fit and have been leading a sedentary lifestyle for a while, you must start exercising slowly and gradually build up your level of exertion gradually. This will slow down your rate of weight loss, at least in the beginning, but you have to do this or you may place yourself at risk of over-exertion in the initial stages which can incapacitate you and totally scupper your chances of losing weight. So be careful!

Exercise and Diet
   These factors will be personal to your own circumstances at the time you intend to get started and comprise such variables as:

  • Your starting weight
  • The amount of weight you intend to lose
  • The time limit you impose on yourself to lose it
  • Your current fitness level
  • Your ability to train hard
  • Your ability to eat properly
  • Your ability to drink only plain water and no soda!
  • Your motivation to succeed

   The fat burning side of the equation comes from the exercise you will be doing. It means working pretty hard, but you are aiming for relatively rapid weight loss here, so you should expect to get out of it what you put into it.
   The combination of exercise and a healthy, balanced diet full of fresh foods and devoid of all the processed, junk food that so many people seem to be hooked on these days, will be your recipe for a rapid assault on your excess weight and will cause a more rapid and healthy loss of fat through natural methods. The rate at which you lose that weight will depend on several factors. 
   There are other factors such as your medical condition, your build, your fat to muscle ratio and many other things. But essentially, the strategy of eating and exercising to lose weight is much more appealing to those that wish to attain a good rate of weight reduction and maintain it in the long term.


5 Quick Weight Loss Tips


   Quick weight loss tips are much sought after by folks eager to lose some weight in the shortest time possible. You could be a bride preparing for your wedding and needed to slim down to fit into your gown nicely, or in your mid-40s and want to lose that beer belly. Whatever the reason may be, it is not wrong to desire to lose weight quickly. But the key is to do so healthily. This article is packed with 10 goodie tips that would put you on the right track to losing those extra unwanted pounds on your body and regaining the dream body you always loved to have.

Here's 5 simple quick weight loss tips:

Quick Weight Loss Tip 1 - Losing Weight is an Equation
   Losing weight means you have to eat lesser calories than what your body needs. This translates to consuming lesser calories than your daily energy requirement. Follow the Basal Metabollic Rate (BMR) formula which you will find on my blog to calculate your BMR. This tells you how much calories you need to intake in order to maintain your body weight. You will need to step down your daily calorie intake by about 500 calories in order to lose one pound in one week's time.

Quick Weight Loss Tip 2 - Eat More Meals and Don't Skip Them
   Before you start wondering if you are reading correctly, let me assure you that your eyes are not playing tricks on you. It is a myth that skipping meals would help you to lose weight quickly and effectively. Your body would slow down its metabolism when you skip meals, in a bid to conserve energy, hence burning away lesser calories. You end up hungry and yet not achieving the desired weight loss.

   Spread your meals from 3 big meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner into 5-6 smaller meals comprising the 3 main light meals and 2-3 other snacking time. This would distribute your calorie intake and reach a good balance.

Quick Weight Loss Tip 3 - Eat Green
   Stock up your fridge with lots of leafy green vegetables and fruits. Vegetables and fruits are rich sources of fiber and water and add weight and volume to our food. This makes our stomachs full while maintaining a lower calorie count since fruits and vegetables are inherently low in calories and fat content. They also pack our bodies with healthy nutrients making our diet a balanced one.

Quick Weight Loss Tip 4 - Sleep Well
   Sleeping is a favorite quick weight loss tip since it is one of the most effortless. Do not understand the power of having enough sleep. It is vital to your overall weight loss plan. Medical research has proven that sleep deprivation would induce hunger, and improve appetite. This often results in excessive eating. Likewise, having sufficient sleep of at least 8 hours helps to bring a balance to the leptin level and aids weight loss.

Quick Weight Loss Tip 5 - Exercise Enough
   Some folks hate this quick weight loss tip and are immediately turned off. Sad to say, in order to maintain a healthy weight, exercise is necessary. Dieting and making adjustments to your eating habits would only win you half the game. Regular exercising is the missing part of the quick weight loss puzzle. You may be wondering how much is enough? Physical trainers or even your doctors would advise you to go for moderate exercise sessions of 30 minutes each time. Repeat the routine for a minimum of 3 times a week for effective weight loss. You would be surprised how fast you start to lose inches off your waist and hips once you begin your exercise regime.

   These quick weight loss tips are useful to you only when you apply them after reading. Many people fail in doing so because of poor motivation and lack of moral support from their family and closed friends. Share with them about your weight loss plan and encourage them to remind you from time to time about your goal to lose weight quickly. This would spur you on to be focused. Read up my blog if you desire to find out more about natural and healthy ways to lose up to 28 pounds within 3 short weeks.

   This article may be freely reprinted or distributed in its entirety in any ezine, newsletter, blog or website. The author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and be included with every reproduction.


10 Top Foods that Detox Your Body

When it comes to detoxing your body, there are many techniques you can follow and supplements you can take. One plan in particular is to eat detoxifying foods. Here is a list of detox foods that are a great addition to everybody’s diet.

1. Fruits
Fruits are high in liquid-content which helps the body wash out toxins. They are also very easy to digest and are high in antioxidants, nutrients, fiber, and important vitamins.

2. Green Foods   

Fill your refrigerator with blue green algae, barley, wheat grass, kale, spinach, spirulina, alfalfa, chard, arugula, or other organic leafy greens. 

These plants will help give a chlorophyll-boost to your digestive tract.  Chlorophyll rids the body of harmful environmental toxins from toxic metals, herbicides, cleaning products and pesticides. They also aid the liver in detoxification.

3. Lemons, Oranges, and Limes

Citrus fruit aids the body by flushing out toxins and jump-starting the digestive tract with enzymatic processes. Lemon juice supports the liver in its cleansing processes. To increase detoxification, start each morning with a warm glass of lemon water.
Remember, vitamin C is one of the best detox vitamins around, as it transforms toxins into digestible material. Eat vitamin c foods often to help get more of these benefits.

4. Garlic

Detox Foods Garlic
This pungent little bulb is one of the best detoxing foods out there. It helps stimulate the liver into producing detoxification enzymes that help filter toxic residues from the digestive system. I recommend adding sliced or cooked garlic to a suitable dish, as this will help any detox diet.

5. Broccoli Sprouts

Extremely high in antioxidants, the ability for broccoli sprouts to stimulate the detoxification enzymes in the digestive tract is unparalleled. The sprouts are actually more effective than the fully-grown vegetable.

6. Green Tea

Packed full of antioxidants, green tea washes toxins
 from the system via its liquid content, but also contains a special  type of antioxidant
called catechins, which are known to increase liver function.

7. Mung Beans

The mighty mung bean has been used by Ayurvedic doctors for thousands of years. It is incredibly easy to digest, and absorbs toxic residue from the intestinal walls.

8. Raw Vegetables

Best juiced or eaten raw: Onions, carrots, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, kale, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, garlic, beet, turmeric, and oregano. The combination of these foods will help your liver purge toxins during the cleansing process. These are high in naturally occurring sulphur and glutathione. Sulphur helps the liver detoxify harmful chemicals.

9. Seeds and Nuts

Incorporate more of the easily digestible seeds and nuts into your diet. Flax seed, pumpkin seeds, almonds, walnuts, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, chia seeds, Siberian cedar nuts, and sunflower seeds are all excellent options. While detoxing, avoid nut butters.

10. Omega-3 Oils

Use hemp, avocado, olive, or flax seed oil while detoxing. This will help lubricate the intestinal walls, allowing the toxins to be absorbed by the oil, and eliminated by the body.
Performing a periodic body cleanse may also be beneficial. I also recommend following my Body Cleanse Diet. Do you have any suggestions for foods that detox the body? If so, please drop them in the comment section below. I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM

Solutions To The Top 7 Workout Mistakes

   There are numerous workout mistakes that hold people back from progressing in their weight loss and/or muscle building training programs. Some mistakes are quite scientific in nature, such as not getting enough proteins in your system after a workout, but most are as common sense as common sense gets. There's no reason for these mistakes to be committed, yet we're all guilty of making these mistakes from time to time, or even on a continual basis. In order to have a truly effective workout you need to understand the reasoning behind these mistakes and how you can correct them.

Workout mistake 1: Not eating immediately after a workout
   Some people don't take the time to 'feed' their muscles after a workout with the necessary protein and carbohydrates. You need to be taking in food within about 30 minutes after your workout to have the full effect. This window of opportunity means that you need a quick meal, something that does not take long to prepare, making those protein and carb shakes the ideal post-workout meal. This will allow your body to recover quicker and help your muscles grow.

Workout mistake 2: Training without a plan
   A lot of people train by going to a gym, lifting whatever weights are available, playing with whatever machine is available, and waiting for their favourite piece of equipment to become available. Doing this consistently is a complete waste of time. You need to develop goals as to why you want to workout, assess where you are now, and what plan of action will allow you to get to where you want to be. This will make your workouts more focused, and more effective.

Workout mistake 3: Repeating the same workouts
   You don't want to be repeating your workouts from one session to the next. You need to move your attention from your areas of strength to your weaker points, which means doing workouts that really challenge you. Make sure that you are continually improving after each workout, either by doing just one more rep, or adding a little more weight to the exercise, or doing an extra minute of cardio. Whatever it is make sure you are improving on your previous workout.

Workout mistake 4: Training without intensity
   Some people tend to just coast through a workout; using light weights in low reps, low intensity cardio, and overall low intensity workouts. In order to make significant gains you need to train with intensity and push yourself to improve in each workout. Rather than relying on a long, steady cardio workout, try training in high intensity intervals. And instead of doing higher rep ranges with lighter weights, do lower rep ranges with more weights. The harder you train, the quicker you will see results.

Workout mistake 5: Thinking you need to 'feel the burn'
   Some people think that to have an effective workout you need to feel that burn in your muscles. That burn is a result of lactic acid building up during the workout and may actually slow down muscle growth, not speed it up. It has nothing to do with muscle growth, and nothing to do with how hard you're training. You can reduce lactic build-up by training in a rep range of 5-7 rather than higher rep ranges of 10 and above.

Workout mistake 6: Comparing yourself to others
   Don't compare yourself to the professional body builders or the professional athletes who train for hours every day. Comparing yourself to others lowers your self-esteem and confidence, making you frustrated and unhappy. Focus on your own goals, and the results you want to see in yourself through each of your workouts. Compare yourself to yourself yesterday, or yourself during the previous workout, and make sure that you are improving on what and who you were before today.

Workout mistake 7: Making excuses for missing a workout
   We all have excuses, and we've all used them, but excuses get us absolutely nowhere. We don't gain anything from using our excuses, and we certainly don't grow from them, physically and mentally. Drop the excuses. Some people don't see results immediately so they stop trying, others say it's too hot or too cold, and still most say they don't have enough time. You need to accept total and absolute responsibility for your life. If you're not seeing results find out why, maybe you need to train with more intensity, maybe you're not eating properly; find out why, and rectify the situation. If you feel you don't have enough time to workout, decide to manage your time so that only activities that are essential to you consume your time, and taking care of your body is as essential as it gets. If you want to workout in the morning get out of bed an hour earlier, which means you go to sleep an hour earlier. Take responsibility for all of your actions and create the masterpiece of your life.

   The first step to rectifying any mistake in your training is identifying the mistake. Identify exactly what you've been doing incorrectly, learn from the mistake, and find out how you can correct the situation. The real mistake in training is knowing you're making mistakes but doing nothing about it, and just repeating those same errors over and over again. Make significant progress in your training and you will be able to make significant progress in other areas of your life.

   Want to learn more about the power of getting into great physical health? Want to find out more about how you can maintain your momentum while chasing your dreams? Want to develop an unconquerable mentality for success? Download your free copy of the 501 Greatest Quotes Of All Time at [] and gain greater insights into how you can ensure your success in life.

By Simon Lim 

What Are the Traits of Successful Exercisers?

   What are the reasons why people have trouble keeping on a fitness regimen? For most if they can see an immediate payback for their efforts they will certainly be more inclined to exercise. That is true for just about any activity that we indulge in: we want to see results. And not just to see results in six months or a year, but something right now to keep us going. Perhaps the best education we can get is from people who stay on their exercise program long term, so we'll look at some of the habits of successful exercisers.

1. Goal setting. No matter what endeavor anyone takes on goal-setting is probably the number one common denominator for success. The key is to make them realistic, clear and measurable. And being measurable does not mean what the scale tells you. Many times the initial step forward getting to the gym is just getting there. For most people when they are there they'll be in workout mode. But if you don't get yourself there, nothing will happen.

   The next step short-term is to be motivated to work out once you're there. That often can be just a well thought-out plan that you have confidence in. This means that if a professional trainer puts a plan in place, you would be much more inclined to follow it if you believed in it. That might be finding a trainer who you are convinced will give you a program that will help you. Then make sure you report back to that trainer on a regular basis. Being accountable for what you commit to is always a great motivator.

2. Educate yourself on all of the benefits of exercising. It is thought that most of the successful exercisers are those that are looking for the mental benefits more than the physical. Exercise is good for the body, but it is fantastic for the mind. It is the most effective brain exercise that we have. Decreasing stress and anxiety, better memory and greater mood enhancement are all benefits from exercise that have been scientifically proven. Having a full understanding of what it does will often push a person to keep on their program.

3. Men should learn to exercise like women, and women like men. Men tend to stay better focused on what they are trying to accomplish, and better getting into the strength aspect of exercise. Women, on the other hand are better at diversifying their workouts and trying out new things. Men would do well to do that, getting into yoga, Pilates and other forms of exercise that could give them more diversified training, but for one reason or another they have issues with that. Women should get more into strength training, but traditionally have been reluctant because of fears that it won't make them look good.

   We can all use advice on ways to motivate ourselves, but when it comes down to it motivation is really an individual thing. I know in my case I have to hit the gym so many times each month, and if I miss a couple of times in a month, let's say, I have to make those up the following month. It works for me because I know postponing is just that, and I'm just going to have to make it up later, so why not just do it now. But whatever works for you is what you should stick with.

By Rich Carroll

Home Dumbbell Workout


It is not always necessary to join a gym for a weight training workout. You can easily exercise at home with weight training equipment. You would just need to purchase a pair of dumbbells and perform the exercises in the correct manner. These exercises have a number of health benefits such as increased metabolism, reduced risk of developing bone problems, maintain normal blood pressure, blood sugar level, etc. If you are a novice at working out with this tool, then you should start with the lightweight ones. You can buy the heavy ones later. A physical trainer would be the best person to advise regarding the suitable weight of dumbbells for you.


Arm Curls: This exercise targets the biceps and brachialis of your upper arm.

  • Stand in an upright position or sit in a chair.
  • Hold the tool in each hand and rest your palms on your thighs.
  • Place your palms so that they face inwards.
  • Now, bend your left elbow and fold your left hand, so that the dumbbell touches the left shoulder.
  • Slowly bring down the dumbbell.
  • Repeat the same with your right hand.
  • Perform this exercise alternatively with controlled breathing.
Overhead Press:
  • You can sit in a straight chair or stand in an upright position, with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Now, hold the weight in each hand.
  • Place your elbows towards your side, so that the weights rest on your shoulders.
  • Now, breathe out and gently raise your hands in the upward direction.
  • Raise the tools in a controlled motion without a jerk.
  • When the tools are raised, your back and hands should be straight.
  • Get back to the original position and rest the dumbbell on the shoulders.
Dumbbell Lunges: You can complete the exercise comfortably, if you use light weight tools.
  • Hold the weight in each hand and stand in an upright position with your feet less than shoulder-width apart.
  • Place your arms at your sides, with the palms facing towards your thighs.
  • Now, step forward with your left leg first.
  • Keep it flat on the floor.
  • Bend the left leg until your left thigh is parallel to the floor.
  • Bend the right knee a little and balance on your toes.
  • Get back to the original position.
  • Repeat the exercise with your right leg forward.
Chest Flyes: This exercise will target your chest and shoulders. You can perform this exercise either on a bench or on the floor.
  • Hold the dumbbells in both the hands.
  • Place your hands to point towards the ceiling.
  • Keep your hands straight and do not bend your elbows.
  • In a controlled manner, bring down the weights to make a right angle controlled arc.
  • In this position, your hands should be towards your sides and parallel to the floor.
  • Now, get back to the original position and repeat the exercise.

   Before performing the workout routine, there are quite a few things that you should keep in mind. These exercises are safe only when performed correctly. A wrong step may cause injury or muscle sprain. So, you must perform some warm-up exercises before you start with these exercises. You can learn the exact steps to perform these from a physical trainer. Do not drop the dumbbells after finishing your workout. Design a proper program and perform the exercises accordingly. You can perform 12 repetitions of each of the aforementioned exercises. Initially, perform one or two sets and then increase the number of sets and repetitions gradually.

By Mayuri Kulkarni

Back Exercises With Dumbbells

   Working out using dumbbells is an important part of most strength-training routines. They are used for various reasons - mainly for strength and to develop muscle mass. Free weights like dumbbells are used as they help to activate smaller stabilizing muscles while exercising. The free weights are better than resistance machines because the latter work on muscle groups in strict planes of movements. Due to this, larger muscle groups become stronger, while the smaller muscle groups are neglected. Another advantage of doing these exercises is that sport-specific movements are more accurately replicated with dumbbells as opposed to resistance machines. Same is the case with exercises devised exclusively for the entire back, with the help of free weights.

Exercises for Back Using Dumbbells

   When you begin with these exercises, make sure you start with light weights. This will help you to develop correct form before you switch over to heavier weights. Make the shift from lighter to heavier weights gradual. Sudden change can cause injury and harm.

Dead Lifts
   This exercise should not be performed if you suffer from back pain or have a history of the same. Stand straight with shoulder-width distance between your feet. Bend your knees a little and hold the dumbbells such that they rest against the thighs. Now, lower the weights towards the ankles. Lower them only as much as you are comfortable with. Slowly come back to the starting position. Repeat the cycle.

Lateral Raises
   Stand erect with shoulder-width distance between your feet, with knees slightly bent and dumbbells placed at the sides. Bend your elbows a little and raise the dumbbells outward in a sideways manner. Bring your hands up till they are in line with your shoulders. During the entire process, keep your elbows slightly bent. Slowly come back to the original posture and repeat the drill.

Single Arm Row
   This exercise can be done using a bench or a staircase step. Stand such that the bench or the step is next to your left leg. Place the left leg on the step and bend the knee. Bend down and place your left hand on the stair, so that the upper body is parallel to the ground. Hold the dumbbell in the right hand. Do not rest the hand on the floor. Keep your elbow tucked and lift the weight till your midsection. Slowly bring the weight to the starting position and repeat the exercise on both sides.

Double Arm Row
   Hold dumbbells in both hands and stand with shoulder-width distance between your feet. Bend down till waist-height, hands extended fully and with the dumbbells placed straight at about mid shin level. Lift the dumbbells towards your stomach. Now, lower them to the starting position. While doing the exercise make sure your back, shoulders, and head are in one line.

   Ensure you do not release the dumbbells instantly after finishing a set of exercise. This is to prevent the sudden release of tension on muscles which can cause an injury. If you suffer from back pain, then talk to your health care professional and trainer before you begin.

By Bhakti Satalkar