What Are the Traits of Successful Exercisers?

   What are the reasons why people have trouble keeping on a fitness regimen? For most if they can see an immediate payback for their efforts they will certainly be more inclined to exercise. That is true for just about any activity that we indulge in: we want to see results. And not just to see results in six months or a year, but something right now to keep us going. Perhaps the best education we can get is from people who stay on their exercise program long term, so we'll look at some of the habits of successful exercisers.

1. Goal setting. No matter what endeavor anyone takes on goal-setting is probably the number one common denominator for success. The key is to make them realistic, clear and measurable. And being measurable does not mean what the scale tells you. Many times the initial step forward getting to the gym is just getting there. For most people when they are there they'll be in workout mode. But if you don't get yourself there, nothing will happen.

   The next step short-term is to be motivated to work out once you're there. That often can be just a well thought-out plan that you have confidence in. This means that if a professional trainer puts a plan in place, you would be much more inclined to follow it if you believed in it. That might be finding a trainer who you are convinced will give you a program that will help you. Then make sure you report back to that trainer on a regular basis. Being accountable for what you commit to is always a great motivator.

2. Educate yourself on all of the benefits of exercising. It is thought that most of the successful exercisers are those that are looking for the mental benefits more than the physical. Exercise is good for the body, but it is fantastic for the mind. It is the most effective brain exercise that we have. Decreasing stress and anxiety, better memory and greater mood enhancement are all benefits from exercise that have been scientifically proven. Having a full understanding of what it does will often push a person to keep on their program.

3. Men should learn to exercise like women, and women like men. Men tend to stay better focused on what they are trying to accomplish, and better getting into the strength aspect of exercise. Women, on the other hand are better at diversifying their workouts and trying out new things. Men would do well to do that, getting into yoga, Pilates and other forms of exercise that could give them more diversified training, but for one reason or another they have issues with that. Women should get more into strength training, but traditionally have been reluctant because of fears that it won't make them look good.

   We can all use advice on ways to motivate ourselves, but when it comes down to it motivation is really an individual thing. I know in my case I have to hit the gym so many times each month, and if I miss a couple of times in a month, let's say, I have to make those up the following month. It works for me because I know postponing is just that, and I'm just going to have to make it up later, so why not just do it now. But whatever works for you is what you should stick with.

By Rich Carroll

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