Vital Facts About Lap Band Surgery Nj

By Kristen Baird

The surgical procedure known as the lap band takes between 30 minutes to 2 hours and is normally conducted under full general anesthesia. The procedure is done using laparoscopic techniques. During the procedure, incisions, between 3 and 5, are made in the stomach. The incisions are of 1 inch in length. There is insertion of a small camera into one of these incisions so that the procedure can be viewed on a screen. In considering lap band surgery nj residents should have all the relevant facts.

The incisions that remain give room for band placement and make it possible to use surgical instruments. There is placement of the band at the upper stomach section then set into the right position through the use of sutures. Thereafter, the port is placed in the walls of the abdomen before being sutured into place. The way that an individual prepares for surgery depends on the program and the surgeon doing the procedure.

The patient will be required to show their commitment about how they will manage the lifestyle changes. For a start, they will be required to take 5 to 6 small meals every day. One of the causes of obesity is eating large chunks of food at a go. Foods rich in calories like milk shakes and ice cream need to be avoided. For persons that suffer from medical conditions or whose BMI is above 50, reducing medial risk will be required.

Period taken to recover depends on an individual. Nevertheless, there will be quicker recovery for people undergoing lap band surgery than those considering the gastric bypass procedure. On a general sense however, most people will resume work a week after treatment. People whose jobs are physically demanding will not however be able to do so. They will need longer time for recovery. Normal activity normally resumes after six weeks.

The various risks and side effects of the procedure will need to be considered. Most surgeons will take patients through such risks before a decision can be made. Side effects will be more pronounced in people with poor health. People suffering from diabetes, asthma or such ailments are in this category. Death is a possibility though it happens very rarely.

Three percent of patients will suffer from gall stones. There also is the possibility of strictures and internal bleeding in some patients. Gastrointestinal tract leaks, infections, too much loss weight and pulmonary embolism are possible risks. The side effects affect different patients differently and with different severity.

One may not lose as much weight as they anticipated. One cause of this may be poor diet choice or failure to exercise properly. For the best results, patients need to stick to post-operative diet plans. In the same sense, the advice of the surgeon needs to be followed to the letter to prevent most side effects.

Most people will experience vomiting and nausea after surgery. Dietary issues are the biggest causes of these. If one experiences vomiting, the doctor should know immediately. It may be a sign of bigger underlying issues.

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