How To Achieve Your Fitness Results, The Easy Way

   If you look around the internet (yes, even here at TFS), you'll see programs for exercise, programs for nutrition, and just programs for overall good health. Is there anything wrong with these findings? Usually not, but that's not what I'm talking about today.

   Today, let's talk about results. What are they and how to achieve them. As always, this writing will have the lovely TFS spin on it, so pay attention!

   Results are what happens to your body when you start a program and STICK TO IT! Now, the program doesn't always have to be good for you. For instance, and I'm sure some of us have partaken in this program a time or two... the "pizza and beer" diet. The physical and visual results may not be appealing after a month of following this diet a couple of times a week... are you with me?

   Now, if you do just the opposite, have a nice healthy meal a couple of times a week and wash it down with some good ol' water, your results may be a bit better. You may lose a few pounds, you may be able to focus more clear (or is it clearer, I'm not sure), and you just may feel better about yourself all the way around.

   So, as you can see, I did not give you a clear definition of results, but I feel a made a pretty damn good argument when it comes to understanding what results are, don't you think?

   Let's now put our focus on achieving results. Better yet, let's focus on the motivation behind achieving the results you may seek.

   The easiest one to think about is the dreaded weight loss results. Because certain television shows focus on weight loss, it seems the whole country is ONLY interested in it as well. And we, as trainers (or even want to-be-trainers) usually tell you to throw away that scale! Why do we say that? Because if you want to lose, let's say, 5lbs in the next month and you only lose 4lbs, you may be less motivated to work as hard as you did. You may get that little negative guy on your shoulder saying, "see, I told you, all that work and you didn't meet your goal weight, why do all that effort when you know it doesn't work." You know what I'm talking about here, I don't need to go into details.

   But there is also the opposite, you may be the kind of person that is determined to get to that 5lbs and you'll work even harder to get there! You'll tell that little guy on your should to "f" off and get out of your way! If that's you, AWESOME! But trainers can't take that chance for people to be self motivated. We want to people to ACHIEVE... not get discouraged. Does this make sense?

   Instead, the good trainers would rather you NOT focus on the scale and DO focus on a dress you're wanting to fit into; a pair of jeans you haven't worn for a while because they are too tight; that new suit hanging in that store window that would LOOK awesome on you; that shirt with the baggy sleeves you're wanting muscle to fill, are you feeling me dawg?

   What I'm saying is results will happen when you attach something emotional to it. How did you feel the last time you tried on a pair of jeans that used to be too tight on you and they now fit? What about that dress you once wore proudly and you can once again rock the house in? Felt pretty good, eh?

   Here's the secret about the results, they were achieved by having the motivation to fit into those cloths. Oh sure, you worked hard, you sweated, you struggled and you sacrificed, but it was a journey to achieve the results from the motivation! It was the emotional high you felt when you tried on those cloths that made you feel good about those results.

   What I'm saying is, being emotional about something was the factor to getting the results. Once you can attach emotion to whatever it is you're doing, the results will come a LOT easier than if you don't.

   Does it have to be cloths? Heck no, maybe you want to be all toned up on stage in some sort of competition. Maybe you want to look good for an upcoming reunion. Maybe you want to ride the Dumbo Ride with your kids at Disney World. Whatever it is, emotional attachment will be the driving factor for you to ACHIEVE THOSE RESULTS!

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