Muscle Building Program for Beginners

   If you have been working out and aiming to build muscle for less than one year, then really you can be considered a beginner. One of the most difficult things for a beginner to get right when it comes to bulking up and bodybuilding, is getting your muscle building program right. So have a look at the bodybuilding program for newbies below, stick to this and soon you will be on the right track to building up your body and moving on to more challenging programs.

   The fantastic thing about being a beginner to muscle building, is that you are likely to see the greatest and fastest results in the first six to twelve months (if you have the right program). This can be a really exciting time, and you're definitely likely to see a change in your body, as well as in yourself. Adhere to the program below, give it 3 months, and you'll really start to see big gains. The one downside however, is that there is no magic potion. It will be hard, but as long as you are willing to put in that hard work, you will definitely get results.

Bodybuilding Program For Beginners
Below are a few points that you must consider before starting training.
Think big, but keep it realistic:
   I'm not trying to say that you shouldn't be aiming to build huge muscles, but you should set your primary goal to a realistic level to make them achievable and measurable. There is absolutely no point in setting an objective that is out of reach, and could also be counter-productive. Think about what you want to achieve in a few months time, factor in your existing degrees of fitness and strength, and set an ambition which is realistic to realize in this time. Make sure to think long-term too, with a focus on what your end result needs to look like. Use your short-term goals to ensure your long term success

Don't Expect Results Overnight
   It's natural to want to see results quickly. But dedicate yourself to completing a couple of months of training before starting to judge the results. A lot of people may get to where they would like to be within a couple weeks, but most of the time, it's going to be more difficult than this. Remember that you will be sculpting your body as time passes, and the future results will likely be achieved as long as you stick to it.

Okay, given that we've got your objectives and mind-set right, lets consider the specific program
   As a beginner to bodybuilding and muscle development, you need to have 15 different exercises that make use of basic movements, and incorporate many different muscle groups at the same time. You should employ these exercises in a system of sets and reps, and mix them up regularly so your body doesn't become used to what you are asking it to do. Workout 3 x weekly, and keep with this for 3 months. The best exercises you can do will work several different muscle groups at the same time, such as Squats, Bench Press and Pull-ups

   Before every session, warm up your body with ten minutes of simple aerobic exercises like walking, cycling, running, rowing etc. Also make sure to stretch your muscles properly before moving onto the muscle building exercises, as this will help to stop injury. Are you not sweating yet? Then your body isn't ready for the more demanding exercises you'll need to do, to build muscle mass.

Sets, Reps and Rest
   In the first month of your training, start slow and keep it uncomplicated. Perform a couple of sets of your exercises with 15-20 reps per set, increasing the quantity of weight with every set. You should just be resting for 30-40 seconds between each set. Also ensure that you increase the weight slightly every time you workout. This will stop your muscles becoming too comfortable with your workouts.

   Once you reach month two, complete 3-4 sets of each exercise, with 10 to 12 reps in every set. Again, make sure you increase the amount of weight after each set. Also start off your workouts with slightly more weight than you did in your previous workout. You should now be having roughly 60 seconds rest between sets.

   In the third month, complete 3-4 sets with 8 reps in each set. As before make sure to add to the weight after each set, while increasing the load you start off your workouts with. Rest between sets should now be 60-90 seconds.

Mixing Up Your Routine
   If you are struggling to get through your 15 exercises in a workout session, split it up into 2 separate days. But be sure to vary the exercises you are doing, and the order in which you do them. This does mean that you will need to have more workout days, but this will help you if the program is a bit too challenging to start with.

Key Points to Training
   Be sure you understand how to do each exercise properly and safely. The best way to do so is to have a pre-made workout program created by professionals, who will show you what to do and the safest way to do it.

Stretch after each exercise. This will assist your recovery, muscle growth and flexibility.
   Keep a record of which body part you workout first in each bodybuilding session. The muscles you start with are those that will get the most effective workout, so make sure you are varying this regularly.

   Keep prefect form, each and every rep. When you can't complete the motion with prefect form for each and every rep, you're using too much weight, so drop it down slightly.

   Stick to it. Some people won't begin to see any results until the second or maybe third month of workout out. This is completely normal, and you need to keep with your training.

End each workout with 10 mins of cardio, and stretch out any muscles which are feeling tight.
   After you have completed your third month, you'll have a very strong base to work with. You'll be strong, with a shapely physique. This will not only improve your body, but should also improve your mental state and allow you to focus on training, to gain even better results. Once you have reached this pivotal point, it's time for you to make changes to your program and focus on the bigger and more long-term goals. Remember, there isn't just one perfect product or program. You'll learn what works for you as you progress and gain more confidence in your training

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